All subsidiaries of

Liquid Colors and Dosing Systems


Siemensstraße 1-3

25421 Pinneberg / Germany

Tel.: +49(0) 4101 706 04


Managing Director:
Udo Wilkens

Commercial registry court: Amtsgericht Pinneberg
Company registration number: HRB 6016
VAT identification number acc. to § 27 a Value Added Tax Act: DE 814231044

Person responsible for content: Udo Wilkens, ROWASOL GmbH, Siemensstr. 1-3, 25421 Pinneberg / Germany

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All URLs published on the website of the ROWASOL GmbH at present or in future are exclusively for information purposes. No commercial use through third parties is allowed.

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Pier2Port GmbH |

Shutterstock Inc.

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Given the technical nature of the Internet, the ROWASOL GmbH cannot be held liable for any errors or omissions in the information provided. The ROWASOL GmbH and its content manager are responsible for their own content which they make available for use in accordance with general legal provisions. It is important to distinguish between the own content of the ROWASOL GmbH and external links to content provided by third parties. The content provided through these external links is not content which the ROWASOL GmbH and its content manager provide for use themselves, but rather third-party content for which they are not liable in general. They are therefore only liable for content (including unlawful content) about which they are aware and are technically capable of prohibiting the usage of. The ROWASOL GmbH and its content manager are not obligated by law to regularly review the content provided through external links for changes which might constitute a new reason for liability. Not until they become aware of or their attention is drawn to a concrete example of unlawful content available through one of the external links will they close the link a far as technically possible and reasonable.

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Further information you will find in our Privacy Policy.

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